家族について衝撃的な事実を聞かされる。戸惑いながらも、雄哉と行動を共にすることを決意するが……。The main protagonist of the series and a cheerful, energetic girl. After losing her family in the Burst, she continues her rehabilitation as she attends high school in a wheelchair. After meeting a new transfer student named Yuya Kanzaki,
she is shocked by what he tells her about her family and her own body. While struggling to absorb the new information, she decides to join forces with Yuya.YUYA KANZAKICV:小林 裕介アイコの学校へ転校してくる、もう一人の主人公。
そのことが、後々チームに大きな影響を与えていく。A new student at Aiko's school and the other protagonist of the series. His mature demeanor sets him apart from the other students. He tells Aiko the truth and makes for the Primary Point with the Divers. His objective is to put an end to the Burst, but much about him is shrouded in mystery -- something that will eventually have a large impact on the team.
DAISUKE SHINOYAMACV:竹内 良太ダイバーのリーダーで、白石のバディ。
一見強面で取っ付きにくそうだが、実は温厚。責任感が強く、常にメンバーのことを考え判断を下す。今回、黒瀬から依頼を受けダイバーを招集した。ダイバー界ではやり手として名が知れており、豊富な実戦経験を活かしてアイコと雄哉を支えていく。Leader of the Divers. Shiraishi's partner. Despite his tough and intimidating appearance, he is gentle and mild-mannered. Driven by a strong sense of responsibility, he always puts the needs of his team members first. He gathered his team in response to Kurose's request.
He is well known in the Diver world as a skilled and dependable operative and supports Aiko and Yuya with his plentiful experience in combat.MAHO SHIRAISHICV:茅野 愛衣ダイバーの一員で、篠山のバディ。
食料の手配など、細やかな心配りで篠山や皆をサポートする。戸惑うアイコに寄り添い、精神面でも支えていく。One of the Divers. Shinoyama's partner. Kind, gentle and easygoing, she is always smiling. She supports Shinoyama and the team with meticulous attention to everything ranging from vehicle operation and maintenance to making arrangements for food supplies.
She stands by the confused Aiko and provides emotional support as well.YOSHIHIKO SAGAMICV:古川 慎ダイバーの一員で、一樹のバディ。
重攻撃火器から手持ちナイフまで、あらゆる武器を使いこなす。One of the Divers. Kazuki's partner. Once a member of a special forces of the SDF, he is highly skilled in combat. He has the ability to calmly make decisions based on the situation and take appropriate action. He can be strict at times with Kazuki, but is a caring and reliable older brother type. He is deadly with any weapon,
from heavy firearms to knives.KAZUKI MINASECV:村田 太志ダイバーの一員で、相模のバディ。
得意とする電子工学系の才能を武器に、バディである相模をサポートする。過去に右腕を失い、人工生体の義手を装着している。One of the Divers. Sagami's partner. While he is a relatively new Diver, he makes up for his lack of experience with spirit and pluck. His enthusiasm can sometimes lead him to charge off in the wrong direction, however. He uses his talents in electronics to support his partner Sagami. He has a prosthetic right hand based on artificial life form technology.
HARUKA SERICV:名塚 佳織ダイバーの一員で、楓のバディ。
クールで美女で才女。バースト発生以前は、人工生体関連の研究員だった。科学系のデバイスに強く、直感で行動するバディの楓とは対称的に、前職の知識を活かした効率の良い戦法を好む。マリグナント・マターに対して、強く関心を抱いている。One of the Divers. Kaede's partner. Cool-headed, beautiful and intelligent. Before the Burst, she was an artificial life form researcher. Well-versed in scientific equipment,
she prefers efficient tactics that leverage her prior experience in sharp contrast to her partner Kaede's reliance on intuition. She shows strong interest in Malignant Matter.KAEDE MISAWACV:M・A・Oダイバーの一員で、遙香のバディ。
直情的で歯に衣着せない、良い意味でストレート、悪しき意味だと無遠慮で粗雑な性格。相模に対して、密かに憧れを抱いている。One of the Divers. Haruka's partner. Blessed with exceptional physical abilities and animal-like intuition. She specializes in close quarters combat and preemptive strikes. Her words are often direct and impulsive, the result of a personality that can be described generously as straightforward or less generously as inconsiderate and rough. She harbors hidden feelings for Sagami.
SUSUMU KUROSECV:大川 透桐生生命工学研究所に所属する、人工生体の開発者の一人。
雄哉とアイコたちを、エリアの外から支援していく。伊佐津とは大学からの同期で、一つ上に南原がいた。One of the artificial life form researchers at the Kiryu Biotech Research Facility. Developer of the ”Cell Assembler” technology. He has an easygoing, carefree persona, but is willing to take some risks to achieve his objectives. He provides support to Yuya and Aiko from outside the area. He and Isazu were in the same year in college, and Nanbara was one year ahead of them.
KYOUSUKE ISAZUCV:子安 武人桐生病院院長。アイコの担当医。
事故に遭い昏睡状態の一人娘・柚葉がいるが、いまだに治療の手段を見つけられず苦悩している。Head of Kiryu Hospital and the doctor in charge of Aiko's care. Like Kurose, he is part of the Kiryu Biotech Research Facility. As one of the artificial life form researchers, he developed the ”Carbon Nanostructure” technology. His only daughter, Yuzuha, is in a coma following an accident. He struggles with his inability to find a way to treat her.
AKIKO NANBARACV:田中 敦子人工生体汚染災害対策庁(CAAC)対策局の局長。
伊佐津、黒瀬とは大学時代からの知り合い。Chief of the CAAC (Control Agency of Artificial Creatures) Response Bureau and a central figure in the government's efforts to promote artificial life form technology. She supports the effort to recover research results
from the area infested by Malignant Matter. She has known Isazu and Kurose since college. -
家族について衝撃的な事実を聞かされる。戸惑いながらも、雄哉と行動を共にすることを決意するが……。The main protagonist of the series and a cheerful, energetic girl. After losing her family in the Burst, she continues her rehabilitation as she attends high school in a wheelchair. After meeting a new transfer student named Yuya Kanzaki,
she is shocked by what he tells her about her family and her own body. While struggling to absorb the new information, she decides to join forces with Yuya.YUYA KANZAKICV:小林 裕介アイコの学校へ転校してくる、もう一人の主人公。
そのことが、後々チームに大きな影響を与えていく。A new student at Aiko's school and the other protagonist of the series. His mature demeanor sets him apart from the other students. He tells Aiko the truth and makes for the Primary Point with the Divers. His objective is to put an end to the Burst, but much about him is shrouded in mystery -- something that will eventually have a large impact on the team.
DAISUKE SHINOYAMACV:竹内 良太ダイバーのリーダーで、白石のバディ。
一見強面で取っ付きにくそうだが、実は温厚。責任感が強く、常にメンバーのことを考え判断を下す。今回、黒瀬から依頼を受けダイバーを招集した。ダイバー界ではやり手として名が知れており、豊富な実戦経験を活かしてアイコと雄哉を支えていく。Leader of the Divers. Shiraishi's partner. Despite his tough and intimidating appearance, he is gentle and mild-mannered. Driven by a strong sense of responsibility, he always puts the needs of his team members first. He gathered his team in response to Kurose's request.
He is well known in the Diver world as a skilled and dependable operative and supports Aiko and Yuya with his plentiful experience in combat.MAHO SHIRAISHICV:茅野 愛衣ダイバーの一員で、篠山のバディ。
食料の手配など、細やかな心配りで篠山や皆をサポートする。戸惑うアイコに寄り添い、精神面でも支えていく。One of the Divers. Shinoyama's partner. Kind, gentle and easygoing, she is always smiling. She supports Shinoyama and the team with meticulous attention to everything ranging from vehicle operation and maintenance to making arrangements for food supplies.
She stands by the confused Aiko and provides emotional support as well.YOSHIHIKO SAGAMICV:古川 慎ダイバーの一員で、一樹のバディ。
重攻撃火器から手持ちナイフまで、あらゆる武器を使いこなす。One of the Divers. Kazuki's partner. Once a member of a special forces of the SDF, he is highly skilled in combat. He has the ability to calmly make decisions based on the situation and take appropriate action. He can be strict at times with Kazuki, but is a caring and reliable older brother type. He is deadly with any weapon,
from heavy firearms to knives.KAZUKI MINASECV:村田 太志ダイバーの一員で、相模のバディ。
得意とする電子工学系の才能を武器に、バディである相模をサポートする。過去に右腕を失い、人工生体の義手を装着している。One of the Divers. Sagami's partner. While he is a relatively new Diver, he makes up for his lack of experience with spirit and pluck. His enthusiasm can sometimes lead him to charge off in the wrong direction, however. He uses his talents in electronics to support his partner Sagami. He has a prosthetic right hand based on artificial life form technology.
HARUKA SERICV:名塚 佳織ダイバーの一員で、楓のバディ。
クールで美女で才女。バースト発生以前は、人工生体関連の研究員だった。科学系のデバイスに強く、直感で行動するバディの楓とは対称的に、前職の知識を活かした効率の良い戦法を好む。マリグナント・マターに対して、強く関心を抱いている。One of the Divers. Kaede's partner. Cool-headed, beautiful and intelligent. Before the Burst, she was an artificial life form researcher. Well-versed in scientific equipment,
she prefers efficient tactics that leverage her prior experience in sharp contrast to her partner Kaede's reliance on intuition. She shows strong interest in Malignant Matter.KAEDE MISAWACV:M・A・Oダイバーの一員で、遙香のバディ。
直情的で歯に衣着せない、良い意味でストレート、悪しき意味だと無遠慮で粗雑な性格。相模に対して、密かに憧れを抱いている。One of the Divers. Haruka's partner. Blessed with exceptional physical abilities and animal-like intuition. She specializes in close quarters combat and preemptive strikes. Her words are often direct and impulsive, the result of a personality that can be described generously as straightforward or less generously as inconsiderate and rough. She harbors hidden feelings for Sagami.
SUSUMU KUROSECV:大川 透桐生生命工学研究所に所属する、人工生体の開発者の一人。
雄哉とアイコたちを、エリアの外から支援していく。伊佐津とは大学からの同期で、一つ上に南原がいた。One of the artificial life form researchers at the Kiryu Biotech Research Facility. Developer of the ”Cell Assembler” technology. He has an easygoing, carefree persona, but is willing to take some risks to achieve his objectives. He provides support to Yuya and Aiko from outside the area. He and Isazu were in the same year in college, and Nanbara was one year ahead of them.
KYOUSUKE ISAZUCV:子安 武人桐生病院院長。アイコの担当医。
事故に遭い昏睡状態の一人娘・柚葉がいるが、いまだに治療の手段を見つけられず苦悩している。Head of Kiryu Hospital and the doctor in charge of Aiko's care. Like Kurose, he is part of the Kiryu Biotech Research Facility. As one of the artificial life form researchers, he developed the ”Carbon Nanostructure” technology. His only daughter, Yuzuha, is in a coma following an accident. He struggles with his inability to find a way to treat her.
AKIKO NANBARACV:田中 敦子人工生体汚染災害対策庁(CAAC)対策局の局長。
伊佐津、黒瀬とは大学時代からの知り合い。Chief of the CAAC (Control Agency of Artificial Creatures) Response Bureau and a central figure in the government's efforts to promote artificial life form technology. She supports the effort to recover research results
from the area infested by Malignant Matter. She has known Isazu and Kurose since college. -
家族について衝撃的な事実を聞かされる。戸惑いながらも、雄哉と行動を共にすることを決意するが……。The main protagonist of the series and a cheerful, energetic girl. After losing her family in the Burst, she continues her rehabilitation as she attends high school in a wheelchair. After meeting a new transfer student named Yuya Kanzaki,
she is shocked by what he tells her about her family and her own body. While struggling to absorb the new information, she decides to join forces with Yuya.YUYA KANZAKICV:小林 裕介アイコの学校へ転校してくる、もう一人の主人公。
そのことが、後々チームに大きな影響を与えていく。A new student at Aiko's school and the other protagonist of the series. His mature demeanor sets him apart from the other students. He tells Aiko the truth and makes for the Primary Point with the Divers. His objective is to put an end to the Burst, but much about him is shrouded in mystery -- something that will eventually have a large impact on the team.
DAISUKE SHINOYAMACV:竹内 良太ダイバーのリーダーで、白石のバディ。
一見強面で取っ付きにくそうだが、実は温厚。責任感が強く、常にメンバーのことを考え判断を下す。今回、黒瀬から依頼を受けダイバーを招集した。ダイバー界ではやり手として名が知れており、豊富な実戦経験を活かしてアイコと雄哉を支えていく。Leader of the Divers. Shiraishi's partner. Despite his tough and intimidating appearance, he is gentle and mild-mannered. Driven by a strong sense of responsibility, he always puts the needs of his team members first. He gathered his team in response to Kurose's request.
He is well known in the Diver world as a skilled and dependable operative and supports Aiko and Yuya with his plentiful experience in combat.MAHO SHIRAISHICV:茅野 愛衣ダイバーの一員で、篠山のバディ。
食料の手配など、細やかな心配りで篠山や皆をサポートする。戸惑うアイコに寄り添い、精神面でも支えていく。One of the Divers. Shinoyama's partner. Kind, gentle and easygoing, she is always smiling. She supports Shinoyama and the team with meticulous attention to everything ranging from vehicle operation and maintenance to making arrangements for food supplies.
She stands by the confused Aiko and provides emotional support as well.YOSHIHIKO SAGAMICV:古川 慎ダイバーの一員で、一樹のバディ。
重攻撃火器から手持ちナイフまで、あらゆる武器を使いこなす。One of the Divers. Kazuki's partner. Once a member of a special forces of the SDF, he is highly skilled in combat. He has the ability to calmly make decisions based on the situation and take appropriate action. He can be strict at times with Kazuki, but is a caring and reliable older brother type. He is deadly with any weapon,
from heavy firearms to knives.KAZUKI MINASECV:村田 太志ダイバーの一員で、相模のバディ。
得意とする電子工学系の才能を武器に、バディである相模をサポートする。過去に右腕を失い、人工生体の義手を装着している。One of the Divers. Sagami's partner. While he is a relatively new Diver, he makes up for his lack of experience with spirit and pluck. His enthusiasm can sometimes lead him to charge off in the wrong direction, however. He uses his talents in electronics to support his partner Sagami. He has a prosthetic right hand based on artificial life form technology.
HARUKA SERICV:名塚 佳織ダイバーの一員で、楓のバディ。
クールで美女で才女。バースト発生以前は、人工生体関連の研究員だった。科学系のデバイスに強く、直感で行動するバディの楓とは対称的に、前職の知識を活かした効率の良い戦法を好む。マリグナント・マターに対して、強く関心を抱いている。One of the Divers. Kaede's partner. Cool-headed, beautiful and intelligent. Before the Burst, she was an artificial life form researcher. Well-versed in scientific equipment,
she prefers efficient tactics that leverage her prior experience in sharp contrast to her partner Kaede's reliance on intuition. She shows strong interest in Malignant Matter.KAEDE MISAWACV:M・A・Oダイバーの一員で、遙香のバディ。
直情的で歯に衣着せない、良い意味でストレート、悪しき意味だと無遠慮で粗雑な性格。相模に対して、密かに憧れを抱いている。One of the Divers. Haruka's partner. Blessed with exceptional physical abilities and animal-like intuition. She specializes in close quarters combat and preemptive strikes. Her words are often direct and impulsive, the result of a personality that can be described generously as straightforward or less generously as inconsiderate and rough. She harbors hidden feelings for Sagami.
SUSUMU KUROSECV:大川 透桐生生命工学研究所に所属する、人工生体の開発者の一人。
雄哉とアイコたちを、エリアの外から支援していく。伊佐津とは大学からの同期で、一つ上に南原がいた。One of the artificial life form researchers at the Kiryu Biotech Research Facility. Developer of the ”Cell Assembler” technology. He has an easygoing, carefree persona, but is willing to take some risks to achieve his objectives. He provides support to Yuya and Aiko from outside the area. He and Isazu were in the same year in college, and Nanbara was one year ahead of them.
KYOUSUKE ISAZUCV:子安 武人桐生病院院長。アイコの担当医。
事故に遭い昏睡状態の一人娘・柚葉がいるが、いまだに治療の手段を見つけられず苦悩している。Head of Kiryu Hospital and the doctor in charge of Aiko's care. Like Kurose, he is part of the Kiryu Biotech Research Facility. As one of the artificial life form researchers, he developed the ”Carbon Nanostructure” technology. His only daughter, Yuzuha, is in a coma following an accident. He struggles with his inability to find a way to treat her.
AKIKO NANBARACV:田中 敦子人工生体汚染災害対策庁(CAAC)対策局の局長。
伊佐津、黒瀬とは大学時代からの知り合い。Chief of the CAAC (Control Agency of Artificial Creatures) Response Bureau and a central figure in the government's efforts to promote artificial life form technology. She supports the effort to recover research results
from the area infested by Malignant Matter. She has known Isazu and Kurose since college. -
家族について衝撃的な事実を聞かされる。戸惑いながらも、雄哉と行動を共にすることを決意するが……。The main protagonist of the series and a cheerful, energetic girl. After losing her family in the Burst, she continues her rehabilitation as she attends high school in a wheelchair. After meeting a new transfer student named Yuya Kanzaki,
she is shocked by what he tells her about her family and her own body. While struggling to absorb the new information, she decides to join forces with Yuya.YUYA KANZAKICV:小林 裕介アイコの学校へ転校してくる、もう一人の主人公。
そのことが、後々チームに大きな影響を与えていく。A new student at Aiko's school and the other protagonist of the series. His mature demeanor sets him apart from the other students. He tells Aiko the truth and makes for the Primary Point with the Divers. His objective is to put an end to the Burst, but much about him is shrouded in mystery -- something that will eventually have a large impact on the team.
DAISUKE SHINOYAMACV:竹内 良太ダイバーのリーダーで、白石のバディ。
一見強面で取っ付きにくそうだが、実は温厚。責任感が強く、常にメンバーのことを考え判断を下す。今回、黒瀬から依頼を受けダイバーを招集した。ダイバー界ではやり手として名が知れており、豊富な実戦経験を活かしてアイコと雄哉を支えていく。Leader of the Divers. Shiraishi's partner. Despite his tough and intimidating appearance, he is gentle and mild-mannered. Driven by a strong sense of responsibility, he always puts the needs of his team members first. He gathered his team in response to Kurose's request.
He is well known in the Diver world as a skilled and dependable operative and supports Aiko and Yuya with his plentiful experience in combat.MAHO SHIRAISHICV:茅野 愛衣ダイバーの一員で、篠山のバディ。
食料の手配など、細やかな心配りで篠山や皆をサポートする。戸惑うアイコに寄り添い、精神面でも支えていく。One of the Divers. Shinoyama's partner. Kind, gentle and easygoing, she is always smiling. She supports Shinoyama and the team with meticulous attention to everything ranging from vehicle operation and maintenance to making arrangements for food supplies.
She stands by the confused Aiko and provides emotional support as well.YOSHIHIKO SAGAMICV:古川 慎ダイバーの一員で、一樹のバディ。
重攻撃火器から手持ちナイフまで、あらゆる武器を使いこなす。One of the Divers. Kazuki's partner. Once a member of a special forces of the SDF, he is highly skilled in combat. He has the ability to calmly make decisions based on the situation and take appropriate action. He can be strict at times with Kazuki, but is a caring and reliable older brother type. He is deadly with any weapon,
from heavy firearms to knives.KAZUKI MINASECV:村田 太志ダイバーの一員で、相模のバディ。
得意とする電子工学系の才能を武器に、バディである相模をサポートする。過去に右腕を失い、人工生体の義手を装着している。One of the Divers. Sagami's partner. While he is a relatively new Diver, he makes up for his lack of experience with spirit and pluck. His enthusiasm can sometimes lead him to charge off in the wrong direction, however. He uses his talents in electronics to support his partner Sagami. He has a prosthetic right hand based on artificial life form technology.
HARUKA SERICV:名塚 佳織ダイバーの一員で、楓のバディ。
クールで美女で才女。バースト発生以前は、人工生体関連の研究員だった。科学系のデバイスに強く、直感で行動するバディの楓とは対称的に、前職の知識を活かした効率の良い戦法を好む。マリグナント・マターに対して、強く関心を抱いている。One of the Divers. Kaede's partner. Cool-headed, beautiful and intelligent. Before the Burst, she was an artificial life form researcher. Well-versed in scientific equipment,
she prefers efficient tactics that leverage her prior experience in sharp contrast to her partner Kaede's reliance on intuition. She shows strong interest in Malignant Matter.KAEDE MISAWACV:M・A・Oダイバーの一員で、遙香のバディ。
直情的で歯に衣着せない、良い意味でストレート、悪しき意味だと無遠慮で粗雑な性格。相模に対して、密かに憧れを抱いている。One of the Divers. Haruka's partner. Blessed with exceptional physical abilities and animal-like intuition. She specializes in close quarters combat and preemptive strikes. Her words are often direct and impulsive, the result of a personality that can be described generously as straightforward or less generously as inconsiderate and rough. She harbors hidden feelings for Sagami.
SUSUMU KUROSECV:大川 透桐生生命工学研究所に所属する、人工生体の開発者の一人。
雄哉とアイコたちを、エリアの外から支援していく。伊佐津とは大学からの同期で、一つ上に南原がいた。One of the artificial life form researchers at the Kiryu Biotech Research Facility. Developer of the ”Cell Assembler” technology. He has an easygoing, carefree persona, but is willing to take some risks to achieve his objectives. He provides support to Yuya and Aiko from outside the area. He and Isazu were in the same year in college, and Nanbara was one year ahead of them.
KYOUSUKE ISAZUCV:子安 武人桐生病院院長。アイコの担当医。
事故に遭い昏睡状態の一人娘・柚葉がいるが、いまだに治療の手段を見つけられず苦悩している。Head of Kiryu Hospital and the doctor in charge of Aiko's care. Like Kurose, he is part of the Kiryu Biotech Research Facility. As one of the artificial life form researchers, he developed the ”Carbon Nanostructure” technology. His only daughter, Yuzuha, is in a coma following an accident. He struggles with his inability to find a way to treat her.
AKIKO NANBARACV:田中 敦子人工生体汚染災害対策庁(CAAC)対策局の局長。
伊佐津、黒瀬とは大学時代からの知り合い。Chief of the CAAC (Control Agency of Artificial Creatures) Response Bureau and a central figure in the government's efforts to promote artificial life form technology. She supports the effort to recover research results
from the area infested by Malignant Matter. She has known Isazu and Kurose since college.
家族について衝撃的な事実を聞かされる。戸惑いながらも、雄哉と行動を共にすることを決意するが……。The main protagonist of the series and a cheerful, energetic girl. After losing her family in the Burst, she continues her rehabilitation as she attends high school in a wheelchair. After meeting a new transfer student named Yuya Kanzaki,
she is shocked by what he tells her about her family and her own body. While struggling to absorb the new information, she decides to join forces with Yuya.YUYA KANZAKICV:小林 裕介アイコの学校へ転校してくる、もう一人の主人公。
そのことが、後々チームに大きな影響を与えていく。A new student at Aiko's school and the other protagonist of the series. His mature demeanor sets him apart from the other students. He tells Aiko the truth and makes for the Primary Point with the Divers. His objective is to put an end to the Burst, but much about him is shrouded in mystery -- something that will eventually have a large impact on the team.
DAISUKE SHINOYAMACV:竹内 良太ダイバーのリーダーで、白石のバディ。
一見強面で取っ付きにくそうだが、実は温厚。責任感が強く、常にメンバーのことを考え判断を下す。今回、黒瀬から依頼を受けダイバーを招集した。ダイバー界ではやり手として名が知れており、豊富な実戦経験を活かしてアイコと雄哉を支えていく。Leader of the Divers. Shiraishi's partner. Despite his tough and intimidating appearance, he is gentle and mild-mannered. Driven by a strong sense of responsibility, he always puts the needs of his team members first. He gathered his team in response to Kurose's request.
He is well known in the Diver world as a skilled and dependable operative and supports Aiko and Yuya with his plentiful experience in combat.MAHO SHIRAISHICV:茅野 愛衣ダイバーの一員で、篠山のバディ。
食料の手配など、細やかな心配りで篠山や皆をサポートする。戸惑うアイコに寄り添い、精神面でも支えていく。One of the Divers. Shinoyama's partner. Kind, gentle and easygoing, she is always smiling. She supports Shinoyama and the team with meticulous attention to everything ranging from vehicle operation and maintenance to making arrangements for food supplies.
She stands by the confused Aiko and provides emotional support as well.YOSHIHIKO SAGAMICV:古川 慎ダイバーの一員で、一樹のバディ。
重攻撃火器から手持ちナイフまで、あらゆる武器を使いこなす。One of the Divers. Kazuki's partner. Once a member of a special forces of the SDF, he is highly skilled in combat. He has the ability to calmly make decisions based on the situation and take appropriate action. He can be strict at times with Kazuki, but is a caring and reliable older brother type. He is deadly with any weapon,
from heavy firearms to knives.KAZUKI MINASECV:村田 太志ダイバーの一員で、相模のバディ。
得意とする電子工学系の才能を武器に、バディである相模をサポートする。過去に右腕を失い、人工生体の義手を装着している。One of the Divers. Sagami's partner. While he is a relatively new Diver, he makes up for his lack of experience with spirit and pluck. His enthusiasm can sometimes lead him to charge off in the wrong direction, however. He uses his talents in electronics to support his partner Sagami. He has a prosthetic right hand based on artificial life form technology.
HARUKA SERICV:名塚 佳織ダイバーの一員で、楓のバディ。
クールで美女で才女。バースト発生以前は、人工生体関連の研究員だった。科学系のデバイスに強く、直感で行動するバディの楓とは対称的に、前職の知識を活かした効率の良い戦法を好む。マリグナント・マターに対して、強く関心を抱いている。One of the Divers. Kaede's partner. Cool-headed, beautiful and intelligent. Before the Burst, she was an artificial life form researcher. Well-versed in scientific equipment,
she prefers efficient tactics that leverage her prior experience in sharp contrast to her partner Kaede's reliance on intuition. She shows strong interest in Malignant Matter.KAEDE MISAWACV:M・A・Oダイバーの一員で、遙香のバディ。
直情的で歯に衣着せない、良い意味でストレート、悪しき意味だと無遠慮で粗雑な性格。相模に対して、密かに憧れを抱いている。One of the Divers. Haruka's partner. Blessed with exceptional physical abilities and animal-like intuition. She specializes in close quarters combat and preemptive strikes. Her words are often direct and impulsive, the result of a personality that can be described generously as straightforward or less generously as inconsiderate and rough. She harbors hidden feelings for Sagami.
SUSUMU KUROSECV:大川 透桐生生命工学研究所に所属する、人工生体の開発者の一人。
雄哉とアイコたちを、エリアの外から支援していく。伊佐津とは大学からの同期で、一つ上に南原がいた。One of the artificial life form researchers at the Kiryu Biotech Research Facility. Developer of the ”Cell Assembler” technology. He has an easygoing, carefree persona, but is willing to take some risks to achieve his objectives. He provides support to Yuya and Aiko from outside the area. He and Isazu were in the same year in college, and Nanbara was one year ahead of them.
KYOUSUKE ISAZUCV:子安 武人桐生病院院長。アイコの担当医。
事故に遭い昏睡状態の一人娘・柚葉がいるが、いまだに治療の手段を見つけられず苦悩している。Head of Kiryu Hospital and the doctor in charge of Aiko's care. Like Kurose, he is part of the Kiryu Biotech Research Facility. As one of the artificial life form researchers, he developed the ”Carbon Nanostructure” technology. His only daughter, Yuzuha, is in a coma following an accident. He struggles with his inability to find a way to treat her.
AKIKO NANBARACV:田中 敦子人工生体汚染災害対策庁(CAAC)対策局の局長。
伊佐津、黒瀬とは大学時代からの知り合い。Chief of the CAAC (Control Agency of Artificial Creatures) Response Bureau and a central figure in the government's efforts to promote artificial life form technology. She supports the effort to recover research results
from the area infested by Malignant Matter. She has known Isazu and Kurose since college. -
家族について衝撃的な事実を聞かされる。戸惑いながらも、雄哉と行動を共にすることを決意するが……。The main protagonist of the series and a cheerful, energetic girl. After losing her family in the Burst, she continues her rehabilitation as she attends high school in a wheelchair. After meeting a new transfer student named Yuya Kanzaki,
she is shocked by what he tells her about her family and her own body. While struggling to absorb the new information, she decides to join forces with Yuya.YUYA KANZAKICV:小林 裕介アイコの学校へ転校してくる、もう一人の主人公。
そのことが、後々チームに大きな影響を与えていく。A new student at Aiko's school and the other protagonist of the series. His mature demeanor sets him apart from the other students. He tells Aiko the truth and makes for the Primary Point with the Divers. His objective is to put an end to the Burst, but much about him is shrouded in mystery -- something that will eventually have a large impact on the team.
DAISUKE SHINOYAMACV:竹内 良太ダイバーのリーダーで、白石のバディ。
一見強面で取っ付きにくそうだが、実は温厚。責任感が強く、常にメンバーのことを考え判断を下す。今回、黒瀬から依頼を受けダイバーを招集した。ダイバー界ではやり手として名が知れており、豊富な実戦経験を活かしてアイコと雄哉を支えていく。Leader of the Divers. Shiraishi's partner. Despite his tough and intimidating appearance, he is gentle and mild-mannered. Driven by a strong sense of responsibility, he always puts the needs of his team members first. He gathered his team in response to Kurose's request.
He is well known in the Diver world as a skilled and dependable operative and supports Aiko and Yuya with his plentiful experience in combat.MAHO SHIRAISHICV:茅野 愛衣ダイバーの一員で、篠山のバディ。
食料の手配など、細やかな心配りで篠山や皆をサポートする。戸惑うアイコに寄り添い、精神面でも支えていく。One of the Divers. Shinoyama's partner. Kind, gentle and easygoing, she is always smiling. She supports Shinoyama and the team with meticulous attention to everything ranging from vehicle operation and maintenance to making arrangements for food supplies.
She stands by the confused Aiko and provides emotional support as well.YOSHIHIKO SAGAMICV:古川 慎ダイバーの一員で、一樹のバディ。
重攻撃火器から手持ちナイフまで、あらゆる武器を使いこなす。One of the Divers. Kazuki's partner. Once a member of a special forces of the SDF, he is highly skilled in combat. He has the ability to calmly make decisions based on the situation and take appropriate action. He can be strict at times with Kazuki, but is a caring and reliable older brother type. He is deadly with any weapon,
from heavy firearms to knives.KAZUKI MINASECV:村田 太志ダイバーの一員で、相模のバディ。
得意とする電子工学系の才能を武器に、バディである相模をサポートする。過去に右腕を失い、人工生体の義手を装着している。One of the Divers. Sagami's partner. While he is a relatively new Diver, he makes up for his lack of experience with spirit and pluck. His enthusiasm can sometimes lead him to charge off in the wrong direction, however. He uses his talents in electronics to support his partner Sagami. He has a prosthetic right hand based on artificial life form technology.
HARUKA SERICV:名塚 佳織ダイバーの一員で、楓のバディ。
クールで美女で才女。バースト発生以前は、人工生体関連の研究員だった。科学系のデバイスに強く、直感で行動するバディの楓とは対称的に、前職の知識を活かした効率の良い戦法を好む。マリグナント・マターに対して、強く関心を抱いている。One of the Divers. Kaede's partner. Cool-headed, beautiful and intelligent. Before the Burst, she was an artificial life form researcher. Well-versed in scientific equipment,
she prefers efficient tactics that leverage her prior experience in sharp contrast to her partner Kaede's reliance on intuition. She shows strong interest in Malignant Matter.KAEDE MISAWACV:M・A・Oダイバーの一員で、遙香のバディ。
直情的で歯に衣着せない、良い意味でストレート、悪しき意味だと無遠慮で粗雑な性格。相模に対して、密かに憧れを抱いている。One of the Divers. Haruka's partner. Blessed with exceptional physical abilities and animal-like intuition. She specializes in close quarters combat and preemptive strikes. Her words are often direct and impulsive, the result of a personality that can be described generously as straightforward or less generously as inconsiderate and rough. She harbors hidden feelings for Sagami.
SUSUMU KUROSECV:大川 透桐生生命工学研究所に所属する、人工生体の開発者の一人。
雄哉とアイコたちを、エリアの外から支援していく。伊佐津とは大学からの同期で、一つ上に南原がいた。One of the artificial life form researchers at the Kiryu Biotech Research Facility. Developer of the ”Cell Assembler” technology. He has an easygoing, carefree persona, but is willing to take some risks to achieve his objectives. He provides support to Yuya and Aiko from outside the area. He and Isazu were in the same year in college, and Nanbara was one year ahead of them.
KYOUSUKE ISAZUCV:子安 武人桐生病院院長。アイコの担当医。
事故に遭い昏睡状態の一人娘・柚葉がいるが、いまだに治療の手段を見つけられず苦悩している。Head of Kiryu Hospital and the doctor in charge of Aiko's care. Like Kurose, he is part of the Kiryu Biotech Research Facility. As one of the artificial life form researchers, he developed the ”Carbon Nanostructure” technology. His only daughter, Yuzuha, is in a coma following an accident. He struggles with his inability to find a way to treat her.
AKIKO NANBARACV:田中 敦子人工生体汚染災害対策庁(CAAC)対策局の局長。
伊佐津、黒瀬とは大学時代からの知り合い。Chief of the CAAC (Control Agency of Artificial Creatures) Response Bureau and a central figure in the government's efforts to promote artificial life form technology. She supports the effort to recover research results
from the area infested by Malignant Matter. She has known Isazu and Kurose since college. -
家族について衝撃的な事実を聞かされる。戸惑いながらも、雄哉と行動を共にすることを決意するが……。The main protagonist of the series and a cheerful, energetic girl. After losing her family in the Burst, she continues her rehabilitation as she attends high school in a wheelchair. After meeting a new transfer student named Yuya Kanzaki,
she is shocked by what he tells her about her family and her own body. While struggling to absorb the new information, she decides to join forces with Yuya.YUYA KANZAKICV:小林 裕介アイコの学校へ転校してくる、もう一人の主人公。
そのことが、後々チームに大きな影響を与えていく。A new student at Aiko's school and the other protagonist of the series. His mature demeanor sets him apart from the other students. He tells Aiko the truth and makes for the Primary Point with the Divers. His objective is to put an end to the Burst, but much about him is shrouded in mystery -- something that will eventually have a large impact on the team.
DAISUKE SHINOYAMACV:竹内 良太ダイバーのリーダーで、白石のバディ。
一見強面で取っ付きにくそうだが、実は温厚。責任感が強く、常にメンバーのことを考え判断を下す。今回、黒瀬から依頼を受けダイバーを招集した。ダイバー界ではやり手として名が知れており、豊富な実戦経験を活かしてアイコと雄哉を支えていく。Leader of the Divers. Shiraishi's partner. Despite his tough and intimidating appearance, he is gentle and mild-mannered. Driven by a strong sense of responsibility, he always puts the needs of his team members first. He gathered his team in response to Kurose's request.
He is well known in the Diver world as a skilled and dependable operative and supports Aiko and Yuya with his plentiful experience in combat.MAHO SHIRAISHICV:茅野 愛衣ダイバーの一員で、篠山のバディ。
食料の手配など、細やかな心配りで篠山や皆をサポートする。戸惑うアイコに寄り添い、精神面でも支えていく。One of the Divers. Shinoyama's partner. Kind, gentle and easygoing, she is always smiling. She supports Shinoyama and the team with meticulous attention to everything ranging from vehicle operation and maintenance to making arrangements for food supplies.
She stands by the confused Aiko and provides emotional support as well.YOSHIHIKO SAGAMICV:古川 慎ダイバーの一員で、一樹のバディ。
重攻撃火器から手持ちナイフまで、あらゆる武器を使いこなす。One of the Divers. Kazuki's partner. Once a member of a special forces of the SDF, he is highly skilled in combat. He has the ability to calmly make decisions based on the situation and take appropriate action. He can be strict at times with Kazuki, but is a caring and reliable older brother type. He is deadly with any weapon,
from heavy firearms to knives.KAZUKI MINASECV:村田 太志ダイバーの一員で、相模のバディ。
得意とする電子工学系の才能を武器に、バディである相模をサポートする。過去に右腕を失い、人工生体の義手を装着している。One of the Divers. Sagami's partner. While he is a relatively new Diver, he makes up for his lack of experience with spirit and pluck. His enthusiasm can sometimes lead him to charge off in the wrong direction, however. He uses his talents in electronics to support his partner Sagami. He has a prosthetic right hand based on artificial life form technology.
HARUKA SERICV:名塚 佳織ダイバーの一員で、楓のバディ。
クールで美女で才女。バースト発生以前は、人工生体関連の研究員だった。科学系のデバイスに強く、直感で行動するバディの楓とは対称的に、前職の知識を活かした効率の良い戦法を好む。マリグナント・マターに対して、強く関心を抱いている。One of the Divers. Kaede's partner. Cool-headed, beautiful and intelligent. Before the Burst, she was an artificial life form researcher. Well-versed in scientific equipment,
she prefers efficient tactics that leverage her prior experience in sharp contrast to her partner Kaede's reliance on intuition. She shows strong interest in Malignant Matter.KAEDE MISAWACV:M・A・Oダイバーの一員で、遙香のバディ。
直情的で歯に衣着せない、良い意味でストレート、悪しき意味だと無遠慮で粗雑な性格。相模に対して、密かに憧れを抱いている。One of the Divers. Haruka's partner. Blessed with exceptional physical abilities and animal-like intuition. She specializes in close quarters combat and preemptive strikes. Her words are often direct and impulsive, the result of a personality that can be described generously as straightforward or less generously as inconsiderate and rough. She harbors hidden feelings for Sagami.
SUSUMU KUROSECV:大川 透桐生生命工学研究所に所属する、人工生体の開発者の一人。
雄哉とアイコたちを、エリアの外から支援していく。伊佐津とは大学からの同期で、一つ上に南原がいた。One of the artificial life form researchers at the Kiryu Biotech Research Facility. Developer of the ”Cell Assembler” technology. He has an easygoing, carefree persona, but is willing to take some risks to achieve his objectives. He provides support to Yuya and Aiko from outside the area. He and Isazu were in the same year in college, and Nanbara was one year ahead of them.
KYOUSUKE ISAZUCV:子安 武人桐生病院院長。アイコの担当医。
事故に遭い昏睡状態の一人娘・柚葉がいるが、いまだに治療の手段を見つけられず苦悩している。Head of Kiryu Hospital and the doctor in charge of Aiko's care. Like Kurose, he is part of the Kiryu Biotech Research Facility. As one of the artificial life form researchers, he developed the ”Carbon Nanostructure” technology. His only daughter, Yuzuha, is in a coma following an accident. He struggles with his inability to find a way to treat her.
AKIKO NANBARACV:田中 敦子人工生体汚染災害対策庁(CAAC)対策局の局長。
伊佐津、黒瀬とは大学時代からの知り合い。Chief of the CAAC (Control Agency of Artificial Creatures) Response Bureau and a central figure in the government's efforts to promote artificial life form technology. She supports the effort to recover research results
from the area infested by Malignant Matter. She has known Isazu and Kurose since college. -
家族について衝撃的な事実を聞かされる。戸惑いながらも、雄哉と行動を共にすることを決意するが……。The main protagonist of the series and a cheerful, energetic girl. After losing her family in the Burst, she continues her rehabilitation as she attends high school in a wheelchair. After meeting a new transfer student named Yuya Kanzaki,
she is shocked by what he tells her about her family and her own body. While struggling to absorb the new information, she decides to join forces with Yuya.YUYA KANZAKICV:小林 裕介アイコの学校へ転校してくる、もう一人の主人公。
そのことが、後々チームに大きな影響を与えていく。A new student at Aiko's school and the other protagonist of the series. His mature demeanor sets him apart from the other students. He tells Aiko the truth and makes for the Primary Point with the Divers. His objective is to put an end to the Burst, but much about him is shrouded in mystery -- something that will eventually have a large impact on the team.
DAISUKE SHINOYAMACV:竹内 良太ダイバーのリーダーで、白石のバディ。
一見強面で取っ付きにくそうだが、実は温厚。責任感が強く、常にメンバーのことを考え判断を下す。今回、黒瀬から依頼を受けダイバーを招集した。ダイバー界ではやり手として名が知れており、豊富な実戦経験を活かしてアイコと雄哉を支えていく。Leader of the Divers. Shiraishi's partner. Despite his tough and intimidating appearance, he is gentle and mild-mannered. Driven by a strong sense of responsibility, he always puts the needs of his team members first. He gathered his team in response to Kurose's request.
He is well known in the Diver world as a skilled and dependable operative and supports Aiko and Yuya with his plentiful experience in combat.MAHO SHIRAISHICV:茅野 愛衣ダイバーの一員で、篠山のバディ。
食料の手配など、細やかな心配りで篠山や皆をサポートする。戸惑うアイコに寄り添い、精神面でも支えていく。One of the Divers. Shinoyama's partner. Kind, gentle and easygoing, she is always smiling. She supports Shinoyama and the team with meticulous attention to everything ranging from vehicle operation and maintenance to making arrangements for food supplies.
She stands by the confused Aiko and provides emotional support as well.YOSHIHIKO SAGAMICV:古川 慎ダイバーの一員で、一樹のバディ。
重攻撃火器から手持ちナイフまで、あらゆる武器を使いこなす。One of the Divers. Kazuki's partner. Once a member of a special forces of the SDF, he is highly skilled in combat. He has the ability to calmly make decisions based on the situation and take appropriate action. He can be strict at times with Kazuki, but is a caring and reliable older brother type. He is deadly with any weapon,
from heavy firearms to knives.KAZUKI MINASECV:村田 太志ダイバーの一員で、相模のバディ。
得意とする電子工学系の才能を武器に、バディである相模をサポートする。過去に右腕を失い、人工生体の義手を装着している。One of the Divers. Sagami's partner. While he is a relatively new Diver, he makes up for his lack of experience with spirit and pluck. His enthusiasm can sometimes lead him to charge off in the wrong direction, however. He uses his talents in electronics to support his partner Sagami. He has a prosthetic right hand based on artificial life form technology.
HARUKA SERICV:名塚 佳織ダイバーの一員で、楓のバディ。
クールで美女で才女。バースト発生以前は、人工生体関連の研究員だった。科学系のデバイスに強く、直感で行動するバディの楓とは対称的に、前職の知識を活かした効率の良い戦法を好む。マリグナント・マターに対して、強く関心を抱いている。One of the Divers. Kaede's partner. Cool-headed, beautiful and intelligent. Before the Burst, she was an artificial life form researcher. Well-versed in scientific equipment,
she prefers efficient tactics that leverage her prior experience in sharp contrast to her partner Kaede's reliance on intuition. She shows strong interest in Malignant Matter.KAEDE MISAWACV:M・A・Oダイバーの一員で、遙香のバディ。
直情的で歯に衣着せない、良い意味でストレート、悪しき意味だと無遠慮で粗雑な性格。相模に対して、密かに憧れを抱いている。One of the Divers. Haruka's partner. Blessed with exceptional physical abilities and animal-like intuition. She specializes in close quarters combat and preemptive strikes. Her words are often direct and impulsive, the result of a personality that can be described generously as straightforward or less generously as inconsiderate and rough. She harbors hidden feelings for Sagami.
SUSUMU KUROSECV:大川 透桐生生命工学研究所に所属する、人工生体の開発者の一人。
雄哉とアイコたちを、エリアの外から支援していく。伊佐津とは大学からの同期で、一つ上に南原がいた。One of the artificial life form researchers at the Kiryu Biotech Research Facility. Developer of the ”Cell Assembler” technology. He has an easygoing, carefree persona, but is willing to take some risks to achieve his objectives. He provides support to Yuya and Aiko from outside the area. He and Isazu were in the same year in college, and Nanbara was one year ahead of them.
KYOUSUKE ISAZUCV:子安 武人桐生病院院長。アイコの担当医。
事故に遭い昏睡状態の一人娘・柚葉がいるが、いまだに治療の手段を見つけられず苦悩している。Head of Kiryu Hospital and the doctor in charge of Aiko's care. Like Kurose, he is part of the Kiryu Biotech Research Facility. As one of the artificial life form researchers, he developed the ”Carbon Nanostructure” technology. His only daughter, Yuzuha, is in a coma following an accident. He struggles with his inability to find a way to treat her.
AKIKO NANBARACV:田中 敦子人工生体汚染災害対策庁(CAAC)対策局の局長。
伊佐津、黒瀬とは大学時代からの知り合い。Chief of the CAAC (Control Agency of Artificial Creatures) Response Bureau and a central figure in the government's efforts to promote artificial life form technology. She supports the effort to recover research results
from the area infested by Malignant Matter. She has known Isazu and Kurose since college.
家族について衝撃的な事実を聞かされる。戸惑いながらも、雄哉と行動を共にすることを決意するが……。The main protagonist of the series and a cheerful, energetic girl. After losing her family in the Burst, she continues her rehabilitation as she attends high school in a wheelchair. After meeting a new transfer student named Yuya Kanzaki,
she is shocked by what he tells her about her family and her own body. While struggling to absorb the new information, she decides to join forces with Yuya.YUYA KANZAKICV:小林 裕介アイコの学校へ転校してくる、もう一人の主人公。
そのことが、後々チームに大きな影響を与えていく。A new student at Aiko's school and the other protagonist of the series. His mature demeanor sets him apart from the other students. He tells Aiko the truth and makes for the Primary Point with the Divers. His objective is to put an end to the Burst, but much about him is shrouded in mystery -- something that will eventually have a large impact on the team.
DAISUKE SHINOYAMACV:竹内 良太ダイバーのリーダーで、白石のバディ。
一見強面で取っ付きにくそうだが、実は温厚。責任感が強く、常にメンバーのことを考え判断を下す。今回、黒瀬から依頼を受けダイバーを招集した。ダイバー界ではやり手として名が知れており、豊富な実戦経験を活かしてアイコと雄哉を支えていく。Leader of the Divers. Shiraishi's partner. Despite his tough and intimidating appearance, he is gentle and mild-mannered. Driven by a strong sense of responsibility, he always puts the needs of his team members first. He gathered his team in response to Kurose's request.
He is well known in the Diver world as a skilled and dependable operative and supports Aiko and Yuya with his plentiful experience in combat.MAHO SHIRAISHICV:茅野 愛衣ダイバーの一員で、篠山のバディ。
食料の手配など、細やかな心配りで篠山や皆をサポートする。戸惑うアイコに寄り添い、精神面でも支えていく。One of the Divers. Shinoyama's partner. Kind, gentle and easygoing, she is always smiling. She supports Shinoyama and the team with meticulous attention to everything ranging from vehicle operation and maintenance to making arrangements for food supplies.
She stands by the confused Aiko and provides emotional support as well.YOSHIHIKO SAGAMICV:古川 慎ダイバーの一員で、一樹のバディ。
重攻撃火器から手持ちナイフまで、あらゆる武器を使いこなす。One of the Divers. Kazuki's partner. Once a member of a special forces of the SDF, he is highly skilled in combat. He has the ability to calmly make decisions based on the situation and take appropriate action. He can be strict at times with Kazuki, but is a caring and reliable older brother type. He is deadly with any weapon,
from heavy firearms to knives.KAZUKI MINASECV:村田 太志ダイバーの一員で、相模のバディ。
得意とする電子工学系の才能を武器に、バディである相模をサポートする。過去に右腕を失い、人工生体の義手を装着している。One of the Divers. Sagami's partner. While he is a relatively new Diver, he makes up for his lack of experience with spirit and pluck. His enthusiasm can sometimes lead him to charge off in the wrong direction, however. He uses his talents in electronics to support his partner Sagami. He has a prosthetic right hand based on artificial life form technology.
HARUKA SERICV:名塚 佳織ダイバーの一員で、楓のバディ。
クールで美女で才女。バースト発生以前は、人工生体関連の研究員だった。科学系のデバイスに強く、直感で行動するバディの楓とは対称的に、前職の知識を活かした効率の良い戦法を好む。マリグナント・マターに対して、強く関心を抱いている。One of the Divers. Kaede's partner. Cool-headed, beautiful and intelligent. Before the Burst, she was an artificial life form researcher. Well-versed in scientific equipment,
she prefers efficient tactics that leverage her prior experience in sharp contrast to her partner Kaede's reliance on intuition. She shows strong interest in Malignant Matter.KAEDE MISAWACV:M・A・Oダイバーの一員で、遙香のバディ。
直情的で歯に衣着せない、良い意味でストレート、悪しき意味だと無遠慮で粗雑な性格。相模に対して、密かに憧れを抱いている。One of the Divers. Haruka's partner. Blessed with exceptional physical abilities and animal-like intuition. She specializes in close quarters combat and preemptive strikes. Her words are often direct and impulsive, the result of a personality that can be described generously as straightforward or less generously as inconsiderate and rough. She harbors hidden feelings for Sagami.
SUSUMU KUROSECV:大川 透桐生生命工学研究所に所属する、人工生体の開発者の一人。
雄哉とアイコたちを、エリアの外から支援していく。伊佐津とは大学からの同期で、一つ上に南原がいた。One of the artificial life form researchers at the Kiryu Biotech Research Facility. Developer of the ”Cell Assembler” technology. He has an easygoing, carefree persona, but is willing to take some risks to achieve his objectives. He provides support to Yuya and Aiko from outside the area. He and Isazu were in the same year in college, and Nanbara was one year ahead of them.
KYOUSUKE ISAZUCV:子安 武人桐生病院院長。アイコの担当医。
事故に遭い昏睡状態の一人娘・柚葉がいるが、いまだに治療の手段を見つけられず苦悩している。Head of Kiryu Hospital and the doctor in charge of Aiko's care. Like Kurose, he is part of the Kiryu Biotech Research Facility. As one of the artificial life form researchers, he developed the ”Carbon Nanostructure” technology. His only daughter, Yuzuha, is in a coma following an accident. He struggles with his inability to find a way to treat her.
AKIKO NANBARACV:田中 敦子人工生体汚染災害対策庁(CAAC)対策局の局長。
伊佐津、黒瀬とは大学時代からの知り合い。Chief of the CAAC (Control Agency of Artificial Creatures) Response Bureau and a central figure in the government's efforts to promote artificial life form technology. She supports the effort to recover research results
from the area infested by Malignant Matter. She has known Isazu and Kurose since college. -
家族について衝撃的な事実を聞かされる。戸惑いながらも、雄哉と行動を共にすることを決意するが……。The main protagonist of the series and a cheerful, energetic girl. After losing her family in the Burst, she continues her rehabilitation as she attends high school in a wheelchair. After meeting a new transfer student named Yuya Kanzaki,
she is shocked by what he tells her about her family and her own body. While struggling to absorb the new information, she decides to join forces with Yuya.YUYA KANZAKICV:小林 裕介アイコの学校へ転校してくる、もう一人の主人公。
そのことが、後々チームに大きな影響を与えていく。A new student at Aiko's school and the other protagonist of the series. His mature demeanor sets him apart from the other students. He tells Aiko the truth and makes for the Primary Point with the Divers. His objective is to put an end to the Burst, but much about him is shrouded in mystery -- something that will eventually have a large impact on the team.
DAISUKE SHINOYAMACV:竹内 良太ダイバーのリーダーで、白石のバディ。
一見強面で取っ付きにくそうだが、実は温厚。責任感が強く、常にメンバーのことを考え判断を下す。今回、黒瀬から依頼を受けダイバーを招集した。ダイバー界ではやり手として名が知れており、豊富な実戦経験を活かしてアイコと雄哉を支えていく。Leader of the Divers. Shiraishi's partner. Despite his tough and intimidating appearance, he is gentle and mild-mannered. Driven by a strong sense of responsibility, he always puts the needs of his team members first. He gathered his team in response to Kurose's request.
He is well known in the Diver world as a skilled and dependable operative and supports Aiko and Yuya with his plentiful experience in combat.MAHO SHIRAISHICV:茅野 愛衣ダイバーの一員で、篠山のバディ。
食料の手配など、細やかな心配りで篠山や皆をサポートする。戸惑うアイコに寄り添い、精神面でも支えていく。One of the Divers. Shinoyama's partner. Kind, gentle and easygoing, she is always smiling. She supports Shinoyama and the team with meticulous attention to everything ranging from vehicle operation and maintenance to making arrangements for food supplies.
She stands by the confused Aiko and provides emotional support as well.YOSHIHIKO SAGAMICV:古川 慎ダイバーの一員で、一樹のバディ。
重攻撃火器から手持ちナイフまで、あらゆる武器を使いこなす。One of the Divers. Kazuki's partner. Once a member of a special forces of the SDF, he is highly skilled in combat. He has the ability to calmly make decisions based on the situation and take appropriate action. He can be strict at times with Kazuki, but is a caring and reliable older brother type. He is deadly with any weapon,
from heavy firearms to knives.KAZUKI MINASECV:村田 太志ダイバーの一員で、相模のバディ。
得意とする電子工学系の才能を武器に、バディである相模をサポートする。過去に右腕を失い、人工生体の義手を装着している。One of the Divers. Sagami's partner. While he is a relatively new Diver, he makes up for his lack of experience with spirit and pluck. His enthusiasm can sometimes lead him to charge off in the wrong direction, however. He uses his talents in electronics to support his partner Sagami. He has a prosthetic right hand based on artificial life form technology.
HARUKA SERICV:名塚 佳織ダイバーの一員で、楓のバディ。
クールで美女で才女。バースト発生以前は、人工生体関連の研究員だった。科学系のデバイスに強く、直感で行動するバディの楓とは対称的に、前職の知識を活かした効率の良い戦法を好む。マリグナント・マターに対して、強く関心を抱いている。One of the Divers. Kaede's partner. Cool-headed, beautiful and intelligent. Before the Burst, she was an artificial life form researcher. Well-versed in scientific equipment,
she prefers efficient tactics that leverage her prior experience in sharp contrast to her partner Kaede's reliance on intuition. She shows strong interest in Malignant Matter.KAEDE MISAWACV:M・A・Oダイバーの一員で、遙香のバディ。
直情的で歯に衣着せない、良い意味でストレート、悪しき意味だと無遠慮で粗雑な性格。相模に対して、密かに憧れを抱いている。One of the Divers. Haruka's partner. Blessed with exceptional physical abilities and animal-like intuition. She specializes in close quarters combat and preemptive strikes. Her words are often direct and impulsive, the result of a personality that can be described generously as straightforward or less generously as inconsiderate and rough. She harbors hidden feelings for Sagami.
SUSUMU KUROSECV:大川 透桐生生命工学研究所に所属する、人工生体の開発者の一人。
雄哉とアイコたちを、エリアの外から支援していく。伊佐津とは大学からの同期で、一つ上に南原がいた。One of the artificial life form researchers at the Kiryu Biotech Research Facility. Developer of the ”Cell Assembler” technology. He has an easygoing, carefree persona, but is willing to take some risks to achieve his objectives. He provides support to Yuya and Aiko from outside the area. He and Isazu were in the same year in college, and Nanbara was one year ahead of them.
KYOUSUKE ISAZUCV:子安 武人桐生病院院長。アイコの担当医。
事故に遭い昏睡状態の一人娘・柚葉がいるが、いまだに治療の手段を見つけられず苦悩している。Head of Kiryu Hospital and the doctor in charge of Aiko's care. Like Kurose, he is part of the Kiryu Biotech Research Facility. As one of the artificial life form researchers, he developed the ”Carbon Nanostructure” technology. His only daughter, Yuzuha, is in a coma following an accident. He struggles with his inability to find a way to treat her.
AKIKO NANBARACV:田中 敦子人工生体汚染災害対策庁(CAAC)対策局の局長。
伊佐津、黒瀬とは大学時代からの知り合い。Chief of the CAAC (Control Agency of Artificial Creatures) Response Bureau and a central figure in the government's efforts to promote artificial life form technology. She supports the effort to recover research results
from the area infested by Malignant Matter. She has known Isazu and Kurose since college. -